Vol. 11 No. 6 (2024): Vol-11-Issue-6-June-2024

The International Journal of Research (IJR), with ISSN 2348-6848 (Online) and 2348-795X (Print), stands at the forefront of scholarly journal publishing as a peer-reviewed, internationally refereed, online, open-access journal issued monthly. Representing a groundbreaking shift in academic publishing, IJR embodies the principles of liberal, open access by providing a swift, high-quality peer review process, thus making academic publishing more accessible to researchers and students globally. This journal champions the belief that quality information should be freely available to everyone, ensuring that all published content is universally accessible and shareable. Researchers are invited to submit their papers to ijr@ijrjournal.com, embracing a platform where scholarly communication is democratized and universally open.

Published: 2024-06-03
