International Journal of Research 2024-10-22T09:47:53+00:00 D Bong Open Journal Systems <div>International Journal of Research (IJR) with ISSN 2348-6848 (Online) and 2348-795X (Print) is an international peer reviewed, internationally refereed, online, open-access journal published monthly. International Journal of Research (IJR) represents a revolution in scholarly journal publishing platform. A pioneering effort in liberal, open access publishing with fast and high quality peer review that brings journal publishing to the doorstep of every researcher and student. We believe that quality information should be free and accessible universally in this day and age. The ideology of an open-access journal is in being free for all and IJR will be free for all to read and share.</div> <div>Send papers to <strong></strong></div> <div><strong><strong><br /></strong></strong> <div id="homepageImage"><img src="" alt="Journal Homepage Image" width="158" height="106" /></div> <strong><strong><br /></strong></strong> <div id="additionalHomeContent"> <p>IJR takes special care to publish your research paper/article without any delay. Our journal aims to bring out the latent research talent and the professional work done by Scientists, Engineers, Architects, Planners, Practitioners, Administrators, Scholars, Graduate and Post Graduate students across all fields. This journal welcomes the submission of your research papers that meet our submission guidelines and the general criteria of significance and excellence in the field of Engineering, Science and Humanities. Submitted articles are peer reviewed by our panel of experts from various fields. All submitted papers are double-checked for plagiarized content. Please note that all submissions need to be previously unpublished.</p> </div> </div> Echoes of Inequality: Class and Caste Dynamics in Adiga’s Portrait of Kittur 2024-10-02T09:18:39+00:00 Anil Vandeo Andel Bhupendra Nandlal Kesur <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><em>The present paper explores the intricate dynamics of class and caste in Aravind Adiga's Between the Assassinations, focusing on the fictional town of Kittur as a microcosm of contemporary Indian society. Through a nuanced narrative structure that interweaves the stories of diverse characters, Adiga illustrates how systemic inequalities shape individual aspirations and experiences. The study situates caste as a pervasive barrier to social mobility, emphasizing its role as a mechanism of discrimination that perpetuates economic and social divides. The paper highlights the intersections of memory and trauma, demonstrating how historical injustices resonate through generations and inform the characters' realities. Additionally, it addresses the gendered dimensions of caste and class, showcasing how female characters navigate additional layers of oppression that complicate their social standing. The impact of globalization is also examined, revealing how the rise of a consumer culture in Kittur creates new class distinctions while exacerbating existing inequalities. Ultimately, this study underscores Adiga's narrative as both a reflection of societal realities and a call to confront the entrenched inequities that define life in India. </em></p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Disruptive Innovation for Sustainable Development in Nigeria 2024-10-10T08:19:49+00:00 Williams, Handel Nachor Elechi, Robinson Perry Erepamo Karimo <p><em>Disruptive innovation has emerged as a pivotal force in transforming economies globally, and Nigeria is no exception. This study explores the potential of disruptive technologies to drive sustainable development in Nigeria, focusing on sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and financial services. As Nigeria grapples with challenges like poverty, unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure, disruptive innovations offer unique solutions that can enhance productivity, increase access to services, and foster economic growth.By leveraging technologies such as mobile applications, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain, Nigeria can create new market opportunities and improve existing processes. This research employs a mixed-methods strategy using both quantitative data analysis and qualitative input from relevant stakeholders in the business sector industry stakeholders to evaluate the effects of disruptive innovation on sustainable development goals (SDGs). Findings indicate that while disruptive technologies hold significant promise for enhancing economic resilience and social equity, their successful implementation requires a supportive regulatory framework, investment in digital skills, and Partnerships among the governmental and private enterprises.The study concludes with recommendations for policymakers to create an enabling environment that encourages innovation while addressing the socio-economic disparities prevalent in Nigerian society.&nbsp;This abstract summarizes the focus of the research while highlighting the relevance of disruptive innovation to Nigeria's sustainable development efforts.</em></p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Protective Clothing 2024-10-14T09:10:14+00:00 Haritha A G Kanishka S K.M. Pachiyappan R. Divya Sathyam Jothi J <p><em>Protective clothing encompasses garments and fabric-based items engineered to shield the wearer from severe environmental conditions that could lead to injury or fatality. Protective clothing is produced through conventional textile technologies, including weaving, knitting, and non-woven methods, as well as advanced techniques such as 3D weaving and braiding, utilizing both natural and synthetic fibers. The extensive protection provided by personal protective clothing (PPC) significantly impairs heat dissipation through sweat evaporation. Consequently, tasks performed while wearing PPC, especially in hot conditions, impose substantial physiological strain and can quickly lead to worker fatigue. In ultraviolet radiation the protective clothing is the most effective approach for sun protection with minimal risk is likely to be a combination </em><em>photo protective</em><em> garments and the application of sunscreen to exposed areas of the body.</em></p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Exploring the Intersection of Gender and Christianity in Zimbabwe: Developmental Implications 2024-10-17T14:07:52+00:00 Govarthy Charamba <p><em>All socio-cultural institutions are pervaded around gender issues. They typically indisposition the way people of varying sexes perceive themselves, associate or portray with others at any given circumstance and time. In Zimbabwe gender matters affects things like social class, amassing of property, inheritance, behaviour, occupation and accountability, the family set up, and community at large. While Zimbabwe is patriarchal society, evidence shows that women and girls are vanquished and demoted to the milieu as mere objects rather than subjects in different spheres of life. This scenario has developed an indisposed correlation between men and women in the country’s societies because of the illusory disproportionate merit the males always have over their female counterpart. The dire tension has also deterred harnessing of both women and girls potentials in development process. Many people in Zimbabwe have embraced Christianity’s teachings and practices since its inception, thus shifting their cultural values and traits. Christian churches have multiplied phenomenally within the past century, and depict the few Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that endure operating even during armed conflict. Christian organisations have command and effect, for religion has the potential to influence behaviour, facilitate societal change, and provide societal solidarity and cohesion. Christianity’s conduct is a powerful resource for marginalized women and girls in Zimbabwe for they can fully participate in all spheres of life. In this connection, the study probed challenges and conflicts connected on gender questions and how the Christianity advent has accustomed other faith based organizations to interrogate the concern, so as to attain the comprehensive developmental practices and policies in Zimbabwe. Phenomenological research method was used to provide objective findings. Write-up upholds for a synchronous; holistic and committed viewpoint, by the Church to mitigate the gender difference. Though research focus is on Zimbabwe, findings can be universally applied in other varying contexts.</em></p> 2024-10-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Personality Traits as Predictors of Adolescents’ Susceptibility to Peer Pressure in Secondary Schools in Anambra State 2024-10-19T07:59:21+00:00 Ruth O. Orji Florence N. Ugoji Jude J. Obiunu <p><em>This study examined the relationship between the five levels of personality traits and adolescents’ susceptibility to peer pressure in secondary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. Seven research questions and seven hypotheses guided the study. The design of the study was correlational research design. The population comprised 55,696 adolescents in senior secondary schools in Anambra State. A sample size of 1,000 senior secondary school students was selected through proportionate stratified and convenience sampling techniques. The research instrument that was used in the study is a validated and reliable questionnaire. Pearson’s coefficient of determination was used to answer the research questions, Regression statistics were used to test hypotheses 1-6 while Fisher-z statistics was used to test hypothesis 7. The hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the Big-5 personality traits and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents; that there is a significant relationship between neuroticism and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents; that there is a significant relationship between conscientiousness and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents; that there is a significant relationship between openness and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents; that there is a significant relationship between extraversion and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents; and that that there is a significant relationship between agreeableness and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents. The study also found that there is a significant moderating impact of sex in the relationship between personality traits and peer pressure among senior secondary school Adolescents. Based on these findings, it was recommended amongst others, that educational programmes should be developed for teenagers that enhance self-awareness of personality traits and how they can influence susceptibility to peer pressure.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Personality Traits; Adolescents; Peer Pressure; Secondary</p> 2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teachers’ Perceptions of Storytelling Strategy for Improving Pupils’ Academic Achievement in Reading Comprehension in English Studies 2024-10-21T10:50:28+00:00 Ugwude Doris Ifeoma Obumneke-Okeke. Ifeoma Mabel Ezeh Emmanuela Chinenye <p><em>This study was carried out to determine</em><em> teachers’ perception of story-telling strategy for improving pupils’ academic achievement in reading comprehension in Awka South LGEA. Three research questions guided the study.</em><em> The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population for this study comprises of 665 primary school teachers in the 45 public primary schools in Awka South LGEA. The sample for this study comprised of 150 teachers, using the simple random sampling techniques. The researcher developed a 23-item structured questionnaire titled “Teachers Perception of Storytelling Strategy for Improving Reading Comprehension Questionnaire” (TPSSIRCQ). Reliability test was conducted using Cronbach Alpha to ascertain the internal consistency and a reliability index of 0.93, 0.76 and 0.82 were obtained for the three clusters.&nbsp; A four-point rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD) weighted 4,3,2, and 1were used to answer the research questions. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the research questions. Mean response of 2.50 and above were regarded as agree while the mean response of below 2.50 were regarded as disagree. Findings from the study revealed that boosting listening among others are the benefits of using story telling strategy for improving primary school pupils’ academic achievement in reading comprehension.</em><em> The findings of this study also revealed that pupils may not find storytelling engaging especially if they are not interested in the story and inadequate resources among others are the challenges </em><em>of using story telling strategy for improving primary school pupils’ academic achievement in reading comprehension. Finally, findings from the study revealed that using prior knowledge and identifying the main ideas among others are the storytelling strategies are used by teachers for improving primary school pupils’ academic achievement in reading comprehension. It was recommended among others that teachers should attend trainings and workshops to learn different method of teaching.</em></p> 2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Net Neutrality: A Debate in Current Scenario 2024-10-21T12:50:17+00:00 Swati Kosankar Chet Ram <p><em>&nbsp;Net Neutrality is very important in every field like entrepreneurs, business hubs,educationsector,banking sector.They can do their related activities through internet.&nbsp; Marketing&nbsp; is&nbsp; done online&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; products are sold openly, without any discrimination. It&nbsp; will generate the opportunity of employment..All big companies are growing rapidly through net neutrality. Thus lack of net neutrality may become an barrier in growth of these large sector using the internet for their business .Also freedom of speech is highly related to net neutrality. One can put their voice publically, express their views in public domain.Net neutrality facilitate all these . It will mean Internet Service Providers (ISP) will be able to charge companies like YouTube or yahoo as they require more bandwidth, and eventually the load of the extra amount will be pushed to the consumers. Moreover , ISPs can then create slow as well as fast Internet lanes, which will mean all websites cannot be accessed at the same speed and one can do so only on paying an additional sum.</em></p> 2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Robust Watermarking in Digital Image Using Neural Network and Glowworm Optimization 2024-10-21T12:52:51+00:00 Chet Ram Swati Kosankar <p><em>Digital watermarking has been recognized as a very vast research field to handle the challenges that occur during the distribution of digital content over a network or the internet. The digital content may be misused by an unauthorized person, or its copyright may be illegally claimed by someone who is not actually involved in the creation of this digital content. So, it is highly required to overcome these issues to protect the digital contents from unauthorized persons. Digital watermarking techniques are very useful in this regard. In this technique, a secret message is embedded imperceptibly into the actual digital content. The embedded secret information is called a "watermark". The watermark may be a logo of an organization or company, some hidden text, the author’s secret serial number, or images of some special importance or a label. It could be further used for different applications, such as copyright protection, authentication, and temper detection. In the paper, the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has been applied for image segmentation. Optimization of the segmented image is achieved through the Glowworm Swarm Optimization algorithm, and lastly, the Advanced Encryption System is used to encrypt the watermarked image. The method proposed in this paper will improve security, performance, and efficiency as compared with already existing techniques.</em></p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Use of Plastic Waste in Flexible Pavements: A Review 2024-10-22T05:35:03+00:00 Rajbir Singh Sachin Dhull <p><em>Plastic has become a constant element in our lives.&nbsp;It's everywhere: product packaging, cosmetic ingredients, textiles, mobile phones, etc. It's even in the chewing gum you might be chewing on right now! Its omnipresence is such that many would find the mere fact of giving it up a difficult task.&nbsp;Reducing the consumption of plastics therefore requires not only a change in habits, but also a change of mindset. Safe disposal of waste plastic is a serious environmental problem. In this paper the authors have listed the use of plastic in flexible pavements and brief overview of abrasive flow machining process is done.</em></p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Representation of Male and Female Self: A Disabilities Studies Inquiry 2024-10-22T05:41:45+00:00 Dhanaraj Adakile <p><em>The present paper analyses the play Tara by an acclaimed modern Indian playwright Mahesh Dattani, from Disabilities Studies perspective. The play has been analysed through various perspectives earlier. E.g. application of feminism, modernism, and postmodernism etc. but very few studies applied Disability Studies perspective. The present article discusses about various theories of Disability Studies. It is mainly concerned with the ways in which disabled people are treated, especially in the context of India. The present study applies an interdisciplinary approach to analyse the play. It combines anthropology, sociology, gender studies etc. The study has found that disabled persons are always treated with either pity or disgust. Especially disabled women because they are subject to double oppression in the society. The play clearly shows this through the two characters, Tara, and Chandan, who were born as conjoined twins.&nbsp; The present article shows how Dattani uses the family of disabled children as a microcosm to show the struggle of the typical Indian family which has disabled members.</em></p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Work Immersion Learning Experiences of Grade 12 Students of St. Paul University Surigao 2024-10-22T08:42:01+00:00 Myrna D. Ariar Den Karl G. Flores Mary Louie E. Galaura Ma. Leea Elicano Joey S. Simbajon <p><em>This study aimed to explore the learning experiences of the students and possible challenges they encounter to address it in order to provide students with a more enriching and relevant educational experience. This study employs quantitative descriptive research design using survey technique to gather relevant data in evaluating the learning experiences of the Grade 12 students who were enrolled in the Work Immersion subject for the 2nd semester, SY 2022-2023 in all strands of St. Paul University Surigao. The research instrument used in the study is an adopted modified questionnaire validated by the pool of experts and the data gathered were analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation and Frequency Count. Findings of the study revealed that the work immersion learning experience of the Grade 12 students at St. Paul University Surigao is described as excellent. However, pressure and insecurities are the barriers frequently experienced during their work immersion. Thus, it is recommended that needs assessments, consideration of deployment and placement of students in work immersion venues and forging an enhanced partnership with institutions may be looked into to foster a more enriching work immersion learning experience.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Coronary Artery Disease(CAD) Detector 2024-10-22T09:01:23+00:00 Chet Ram Thakur Avinash Chourasia Aerina Bose Lavish Ganesh Tembhare Devanshu Talvekar Suyash Dhote <p><strong><em>Cardiovascular diseases, particularly coronary artery disease (CAD), continue to be a major global health concern, leading to significant mortality and morbidity. This paper proposes a novel approach utilizing advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques to enhance the detection and diagnosis of CAD and other heart-related conditions. The proposed system incorporates real-time heart rate monitoring and early CAD detection through a combination of sensors, an Arduino microcontroller, Bluetooth technology, and sophisticated AI models. These models leverage Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and a hybrid framework integrating clinical data with ECG analysis. The system features a user-friendly Android application that provides real-time heart rate monitoring and predictive CAD analysis. This research seeks to bridge the technological gap in healthcare by offering an accessible and cost-effective solution for managing CAD, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes and overall public health.</em></strong></p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Medicine Recommendation System 2024-10-22T09:47:53+00:00 Gayatri A. Kolte Isha R. Bagde Karishma M. Bagale Aruchi T. Karankar Sharayu G. Dabhade <p><em>The importance of online recommender systems for drugs, medical professionals, and hospitals is growing. Today, most people use online consultations for medicine recommendations for all health issues. Emergencies such as pandemics, floods, or cyclones can be helped by the medical recommender system. In the era of machine learning (ML), recommender systems produce more accurate, quick, and reliable clinical predictions with minimal costs.</em><em> Most people tend to live a long and healthy life, but people are busy in their day-to-day lives and everyone can't visit doctors for minor symptoms of a disease. Many people do not know about medicines and to see a doctor and consult for minor symptoms for medicines is a time-consuming process. AI and machine learning like emerging technology can help us to create a recommended system that will prescribe medicine and this system can accurately predict a medicine to use. This paper proposes a medicine recommendation system that will predict disease and medicine according to symptoms entered by patients/users.</em></p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024