A Deep Exploration of Poetic Expression: Critical Interactive Learning Through Technology and Ethics


  • Hsin Chi Ko


This study explores an innovative teaching approach that leverages technology to engage students in the profound world of classical poetry while fostering expressive abilities and ethical grounding. Recognizing the limitations of traditional rote learning methods that hinder creative thinking and communication skills, the research employs action research and student interviews to identify common challenges faced in poetry comprehension. The proposed model centers around multimedia instructional videos that elucidate the nuanced meanings and artistic conceptions inherent in classical poems. It guides students through a structured inquiry process, posing thoughtful questions that foster critical analysis, imagination, and the discovery of deeper symbolic interpretations. Beyond mastering literary techniques, the platform encourages peer collaboration, idea exchange, and constructive discourse, where students articulate perspectives, critique responses, and iteratively refine their understanding, sharpening communication skills alongside hermeneutic prowess. Crucially, the study emphasizes the ethical underpinnings of such a learner-centric pedagogy, advocating for responsible technology integration that respects student privacy while broadening access to diverse cultural viewpoints. The overarching goal is to nurture ethically-grounded lifelong learners capable of engaging with complex issues through open-minded reasoning and rhetorical artfulness. By seamlessly blending technological innovations with the timeless wisdom of classical poetry, this approach equips students with the expressive talents and moral discernment to navigate an increasingly interconnected world as empathetic, culturally-literate communicators and global citizens, addressing ethical concerns like privacy safeguards, digital rights management, and intellectual property protections to create a secure online environment for interactive learning while purposefully incorporating marginalized voices and counter-narratives to foster dialogues that transcend cultural boundaries.


