Examine The Awareness And Perception Of Climate Change Among Youths In Phalga


  • Ogbanga Mina Margaret


Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate attention and action. Youths, as future leaders and change-makers, play a crucial role in addressing this challenge. This study investigates the awareness and perception of climate change among youths in Phalga, a local government area in Nigeria. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining surveys and focus group discussions to gather data from 200 youths aged 15-30. The results show that while a significant majority of youths in Phalga are aware of climate change, their understanding of its causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies is limited. The study also reveals that perception of climate change is influenced by factors such as education level, age, and gender. The findings highlight the need for targeted education and awareness campaigns to enhance youths' understanding of climate change and encourage their participation in mitigation and adaptation efforts. The study's recommendations can inform policy and program development aimed at engaging youths in climate change action in Phalga and similar contexts.


