Factors Contributing to Poor Performance of Learners in Mathematics at Primary Level: A Case of Selected Schools in Chirundu District of Lusaka Province, Zambia


  • Siakaloba Emelda
  • Brian Nakalonga Mubemba
  • Chanda Chansa Thelma


Mathematics education at the primary level plays a critical role in shaping students' academic trajectories and future opportunities. This study aimed to investigate factors contributing to poor performance of learners in mathematics at the primary level, focusing on three selected schools in the Chirundu district of Lusaka province in Zambia. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods within a descriptive survey design. A purposive and convenience sampling technique was utilized to select 150 participants, including educators and students, who provided insights into the research problem. Data was collected through questionnaires and interview guides, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The quantitative data collected through the questionnaires were analyzed using appropriate statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics using SPSS and excel whereas the qualitative data from semi structured interviews were analyzed thematically. The findings revealed that factors such as teacher expertise, availability of teaching resources, and curriculum alignment significantly impacted students' mathematics performance. Additionally, the study highlighted the interconnectedness between student engagement, parental involvement, and the home environment in influencing mathematics outcomes. The research underscored the importance of addressing systemic challenges and implementing targeted interventions to enhance mathematics education at the primary level. Recommendations include investing in teacher training, improving resource allocation, and fostering partnerships between schools and communities to support student learning. Overall, this study contributed valuable insights into the complex dynamics of mathematics education, providing actionable recommendations for stakeholders to improve student outcomes in mathematics within the Chirundu District.




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