Transformative Approaches to Teaching and Learning Civic Education: A Case of Selected Secondary Schools in Lusaka District, Zambia


  • Chanda Chansa Thelma


Overview: Transformative approaches to teaching and learning civic education emphasize active, participatory methods that empower students to engage critically with social and political issues. This study was carried out in Lusaka district, the capital city of Zambia.

Body of Knowledge: Transformative approaches move beyond traditional rote learning to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills. They incorporate experiential learning opportunities, such as community service, simulations, and debates, which allow students to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications.

Methods: The study adopted a mixed methods approach which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The study was conducted in 5 selected secondary schools of Lusaka district, targeting 5-Head Teachers, 10-Teachers of Civic Education, 200-Students in Civic Education and 35 Community Members. The target population was 2500, with 250 as sample size. Qualitative data collected from semi-structured interview schedules was analyzed thematically in line with research objectives; while data generated from the questionnaires were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 26) and Microsoft Excel (version 16) to come up with charts, and graphs.

Results: The findings indicated that transformative approaches to teaching and learning civic education have demonstrated significant potential in fostering active citizenship and social responsibility among students. These approaches prioritize critical thinking, participatory learning, and real-world problem-solving, enabling students to engage deeply with civic issues. Experiential learning activities, such as community projects and service learning, have been particularly effective in bridging theoretical knowledge and practical application. Moreover, the integration of technology and digital platforms has enhanced student engagement and accessibility to diverse perspectives.

Recommendation: Schools and members of the community should provide opportunities for students to participate in community projects, advocacy campaigns, or volunteer activities related to civic issues. This practical engagement helps students develop a sense of responsibility and empowerment as active contributors to their communities.




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