The Effect of Co-Curricular Activities on Learners Academic Performance: A Case of Selected Secondary Schools in Lusaka District, Zambia


  • Chanda Chansa Thelma
  • Edwin Vinandi Phiri
  • Mwila Morgan
  • Mwila Mwenda Gilbert


Overview: This study investigated the effect of co-curricular activities on learners' academic performance in selected secondary schools in Lusaka District, Zambia. It aimed to explore how participation in activities such as sports, arts, and clubs influences students' academic outcomes.

Body of Knowledge: The study examined the relationship between involvement in these activities and academic achievement, considering factors such as student engagement, time management, and motivation. By analyzing the experiences and perceptions of students, teachers, and school administrators, the study sought to determine whether co-curricular participation enhances or hinders academic performance, offering insights into the broader implications for educational policy and practice in Zambia.

Methods: The study employed a descriptive correlational design to examine the relationship between participation in co-curricular activities and academic performance among secondary school students. The study utilized stratified random sampling to ensure representation from different schools and co-curricular activities. The sample size was 200 respondents, consisting of Officials from DEBS office, Head teachers, Teachers, and Pupils from four selected secondary schools within Lusaka district of Zambia.  Questionnaires and academic records were used to collect quantitative data while interviews were used to collect qualitative data from the participants. The study used appropriate statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics using SPSS and Microsoft Excel to analyze the quantitative data whereas qualitative data obtained were analyzed thematically.

Results: The findings showed that co-curricular activities offer a platform for students to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in class to real-world scenarios, enhancing their understanding and retention of academic concepts. Additionally, co-curricular activities contribute to the social and emotional well-being of learners, which is closely linked to academic success. Co-curricular activities are integral to the academic performance of learners as they support the development of critical life skills, reinforce academic learning through practical application, and enhance social and emotional well-being.

Recommendation: The study calls for educational policy and practice, emphasizing the importance of balancing academic and non-academic pursuits to foster well-rounded student development.




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