Legal Strategies for Corporate Resilience in the Face of Climate Change and Shifting Regulations


  • Matias Andika Yuwono
  • Lena Ellitan


Rapid climate change and regulatory transformations have created an increasingly complex and uncertain business environment. Companies face a variety of legal and regulatory risks, as well as pressure to adopt sustainable business practices. In this context, legal strategy is no longer just about risk mitigation; it is also about building corporate resilience and capitalizing on new opportunities arising from regulatory shifts. This article to discuss the role of legal strategy in building corporate resilience amidst climate change and regulatory transformation. Using a comprehensive theoretical framework, including theories of the legal business environment, legal strategy, institutionalism, resource dependence, and corporate social responsibility, this study will explore how companies can develop and implement adaptive legal strategies. These strategies will integrate regulatory compliance, efforts to influence regulatory development, and business innovation and transformation to achieve sustainability goals and long-term success. Furthermore, this article provides how legal strategy can be integrated with corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices to enhance reputation, reduce risk, and build stronger relationships with stakeholders. This article is expected to provide valuable insights for companies and policymakers in navigating the challenges of climate change and regulatory transformation.




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