Exploring Effective Strategies for Teaching Practical Procedures in Text and Image Editing


  • Hsin Chi Ko


In the era of the knowledge economy, the integration of information technology into several sectors has caused a significant shift in the editing and publishing industry. This study investigates efficient instructional methods for manipulating text and images, with a particular focus on utilizing Adobe InDesign (ID) software. The report highlights the shift from traditional manual editing methods to digital processes, emphasizing the importance of digital intelligence skills in modern publishing. The study seeks to examine several facets of editing in Adobe InDesign, encompassing master page editing, text manipulation, image modification, vector graphics manipulation, color adjustment, object manipulation, line modification, table manipulation, layout modification, and packaging techniques. The study employs a conceptual analytic framework to examine these issues, providing comprehensive guidance for both inexperienced and experienced designers. The findings indicate that effective use of ID requires an understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of graphic design. Users can determine job priorities by categorizing important strategies into three levels of importance: necessary, recommended, and optional. The study also investigates the impact of visual aesthetics, the incorporation of text and images, and the significance of innovation in producing captivating and coherent designs. This study makes a significant contribution to the profession by providing structured methods and useful knowledge to improve text and image editing abilities. The statement underscores the need to strike a balance between visual appeal and functional clarity, ensuring that each visual element enhances the overall effectiveness of the publication in effectively expressing its message. The operational strategies described in this study are a valuable asset for maximizing productivity and achieving excellent results in graphic projects.


