Knowledge Management Process And Employee Performance


  • Agnes Sandra Rubianto
  • Lena Ellitan


This research was conducted to determine the knowledge management process that exists in the Semen Indonesia Group companies, namely PT Semen Gresik, PT Semen Padang, PT Semen Tonasa. The knowledge management process can be carried out by creating knowledge, sharing knowledge and reusing knowledge. This research method is a comparative study, by collecting available information, so that researchers can find out how the process and development of knowledge management is in the research object. Knowledge creation at Semen Indonesia Group involves the transformation of information into products which can be facilitated by various departments such as the Director of Business Strategy, Production, Projects and Planning. This process can be effective, with factors such as internal innovation, autonomy, creative chaos, and layoffs. Knowledge sharing/transfer in groups includes serial, short distance, long distance, strategic and competency transfer. Knowledge management, which includes continuous learning, is essential for organizations to effectively manage and transfer critical information. Of the three processes in knowledge management at Semen Indonesia Group, the knowledge reuse process in capturing and documenting knowledge is still not fully implemented. In its implementation it has gone well but has not been fully documented. It is recommended that management update documentation for the reuse of knowledge. It is also recommended that this research be used as a basis or reference so that it can be used as a quantitative research hypothesis to produce different further research.


