Ethical Practices in Business: Pathways to Sustainable Growth


  • Anju Bala


Every business aspires to achieve continuous growth throughout its existence. This aspiration for growth extends beyond the business itself to include its various stakeholders, such as shareholders, employees, customers, and society at large. Businesses rely on inputs from society and convert them into outputs to ensure their long-term survival. However, it is the pursuit of sustainable growth and development that truly enables a business to navigate the various stages of its life cycle, effectively face challenges, and capitalize on opportunities presented by both the external and internal environments. Sustainable growth and development are vital for maintaining the health and vitality of a business over the long term. Unlike mere growth, which can be short-lived and potentially detrimental if not managed properly, sustainable growth emphasizes a balanced approach that considers economic, social, and environmental factors. This holistic perspective ensures that a business can thrive not only in the present but also in the future, creating value for all its stakeholders. This paper aims to explore why sustainable growth is preferred over mere growth, delving into the different aspects of corporate governance that support this objective. By examining key pillars of corporate governance, such as accountability, transparency, and stakeholder engagement, we can better understand how these practices contribute to the long-term success and resilience of businesses. Ultimately, this study seeks to highlight the importance of integrating corporate ethical practices into the core strategies of businesses to achieve sustainable growth and development.


