Preparation and characterization of CeONPs from T. cordifolia plants extract by FTIR, Zeta and UV Spectroscopy


  • Ankit
  • Dr Sandeep Singh


The use of plant extracts and microbes for preparation of nanoparticles is the key of green synthesis approach for nanoparticles preparation. Fresh CeNPs were prepared from the T. cordifolia plant extracts characterized by zeta sizer, FTIR and XRD. Cerium oxide was used for nanoparticles preparation in plant extract. These are rare earth metals (Ce, Sm, Y, La, Tb, Sc) which are multipurpose in action. In this research work, we prepared the CeNPs in lab with green approach methods. After heating the extract and cerium oxide at fixed temperature and continuous magnetic stirring of paste, the CeONPs as final outcome exposed to warm air oven at 3000C for 3 hours. The CeONPs were subjected to various techniques for determination of crystal size and shape. The average size obtained was 6 nm which is good series of sizes of nanoparticles. The present work will signify the importance of hazarads chemicals free green biosynthetic methods for nanoparticles preparation as safest effort in this field.


