Bommagani Dharma Biksham: An Activist and Public Leader


  • Chenagani Rama Krishna


This essay focuses on Dharma Biksham and his participation in the Communist Struggle against Telangana's feudal nobility under Nizam rule. He actively participated in the Andhra Mahasabha, played a key role in turning it into a communist front group, and aggressively pursued the fight against feudalism, the harsh Jagirdari system, and the tyranny of the Nizam. He was a well-known independence fighter during the Nizam era Telangana peasantry armed resistance. He was the President of the All India Toddy Tappers and Workers Federation and a well-known trade unionist. It evolved into a potent armed people's movement for land and independence, against feudal exploitation, and against the despised Nizam's authority, led by the Communist Party and the Andhra Mahasabha.


