Nurses levels of Attitude towards Pain Management Barriers at Saudian Emergency Department Setting


  • Turki Hamid Al-Harthy
  • Mohamad Abbas Khojah
  • Mubarak Abdullah Alkhammash
  • Abdulaziz Khalaf Althobaiti
  • Naif Abdulrazaq Alkhammash
  • Maryam Abdu Hummadi
  • Nawal Abdullah Alrajhi


Pain assessment and management is the most fundamental aspect of a nurse’s responsibility when attending to a patient complaining of pain.

Objectives: The present study aimed to explore and identify Saudi Arabia Emergency Department nurse attitude relating to pain management and barriers.

 Materials and methods:   This study was conducted in Altaif area Kingdom Saudi Arrabia. This study was conducted in Altaif area Kingdom Saudi Arrabia. The inclusion criteria for those eligible for the study was include male and female registered nurses and nursing unit managers who have worked in the Emergency Department for a minimum of three months.

Results:  The Overall attitude of nurses towards pain management was found poor   with mean total score of (1.64466). Years of experiences and education were significantly associated with nurse level of attitude regarding pain management and barriers.

Conclusion: In conclusion the study showed that attitude of nurses regarding pain management was found poor and there was negative attitude in terms of pain management and barriers. This study suggested increased education regarding pain management, as well as an annual assessment of skills for all clinical nurses. However, the expertise gained in training programs could be enhanced through workshops and courses that are conducted on a regular basis in order to keep nurses’ knowledge up to date which directly may improve attitude regarding pain management and barriers. 


