A Struggle of the protagonist to define British National Identity Vs Belgian National Identity in Charlotte Bronte's Novel Villette


  • Gayathri Raparthi


The Victorian  Novel 'Villette' is published by Charlotte Bronte in 1853. This is the fourth novel by Bronte, set initially in England and later the story shifts to Villette a fictional French speaking town of Labessecour in Belgium.  This novel is written on Bronte's  own experience as a teacher in Brussels.  This novel has the characteristic features of both gothic and psychological genre. The protagonist of the novel, Lucy is introduced as poor, destitute, orphan , who has neither family, money  nor friends  and whose parents have died a mysterious death  but educated in gentle class of the society. Lucy narrates the story in third person which shows the detachment and alienation not only form entire world but her own self.


