The Impact of Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation on Job Loyalty in Outsourcing Employees


  • Deanysa Buggy Asih
  • Yudit Oktaria Kristiani Pardede


Employees who work in a company are expected to know well the core values, culture and goals of the organization, so that employees can get to know the company where they work well. However, outsourcing employees who basically come from service providers outside the company do not know about this. Therefore it is difficult for outsourcing employees to grow their work loyalty to the company where they work. Meanwhile, loyal employees are related to the goals, objectives, culture and values ​​of the organization. Employee loyalty can go up and down, one of which is due to job satisfaction factors. Job satisfaction felt by employees can increase employee work loyalty. Therefore, we need a motivator in the form of meeting physical and non-physical needs. This need is an encouragement or motivation for employees to work in a company. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction and work motivation on work loyalty of outsourcing employees. This study uses a quantitative approach with research participants totaling 100 outsourcing employees obtained through sampling techniques. The analysis method used is simple and multiple regression. Based on the data analysis that has been done, it is known that there is an effect of job satisfaction on work loyalty of outsourcing employees by 54.3%, there is an effect of work motivation on work loyalty of outsourcing employees by 47.1% and there is an effect of job satisfaction and work motivation which together affect work loyalty of outsourcing employees by 25.7%, the remaining is influenced by other factors outside the research.


