Survey on Data mining approach and Feature Scope


  • Ayush Soni
  • Khushboo Sawant


This paper puts forward the 8 most used data mining algorithms used in the research field which are: C4.5, k-Means, SVM, EM, PageRank, Apriori, kNN and CART. With each algorithm, a basic explanation is given with a real time example, and each algorithms pros and cons are weighed individually. These algorithms are seen in some of the most important topics in data mining research and development such as classification, clustering, statistical learning, association analysis, and link mining. To analyze, manage and make a decision of such type of huge amount of data we need techniques called the data mining which will transforming in many fields. This paper imparts more number of applications of the data mining and also o focuses scope of the data mining which will helpful in the further research.


